Terms of Use
Disclaimer & Terms of Use
All information provided on the Tripresourcecenter.org web portal, including all subdomains, is strictly for informational purposes only. While every effort is made to ensure that the information provided herein is accurate there may be instances of inaccurate information for which Tripresourcecenter.org and Community in Motion disclaims responsibility, and to which you consent to this disclaimer by your continued use of the site.
Further, by your continued use of the website you explicitly agree that information provided herein is not nor should ever be relied upon as emergency, legal, financial, or professional services. This web portal is provided for convenience of information dissemination only and is not intended nor should it be relied upon for any other purpose. As the user, you hold Tripresourcecenter.org and Community in Motion harmless of any liability that may arise out of the use of Tripresourcecenter.org or other Community in Motion provided online services.